The NDC Parliamentary...

This is just one of many donations the action woman has made with regards to funerals.  

President John Mahama Visits...

The NDC Presidential candidate, Former President John Mahama (left) paid a courtesy visit to Dorcas Affo-Toffey (Right) in the US where the two discussed issues concerning how best to expedite the development of the Jomoro Constituency and the country as a whole in respect of the...

Jomoro Anyelazo Helps...

A request was laid before the incoming MP for a source of drinking water which she did not fail to provide.  The image is a source of potable water for the good people Mpeasem. 

Dorcas Affo-Toffey Donates 50...

Towards the construction of the Old Edobo nurses quarters, the action woman donated 50 bags of cement and an amount of Ghc1000.  

Jomoro Yaa Asantewaa Donates...

As part of the annual celebrations of the Garment Association of Jomoro, the action woman graced the occassion by donating funds to the group. 

Madam Dorcas Affo-Toffey...

In August 2019, the visionary woman, Madam Dorcas Affo-Toffey (DAT) donated a wheelchair of a higher quality to a disabled child in Tweakor Number 2. This was a promise DAT fulfilled on her return to the said community which is located in her constituency. The leaders of the community together...

Hand-dug Well Renovated at...

This is a hand dug well located at the Anlomatuope Primary School. It was in a state which could be conveniently described as a death trap for the school children. The Action Woman was informed that 2 school children almost perished in this well.  She therefore did not hesitate to renovate...

Interest-Free Loans to Women...

The Honourable Member of Parliament for Jomoro Constituency, Dorcas Affo-Toffey has launched an interest-free loan scheme to enable female traders expand their businesses. This initiative, according to Hon. Affo-Toffey, is to honour one of her 2020 campaign promises. She stated that, the...

Dorcas Affo-Toffey Makes...

Hon. DAT as others call her, made a donation of 25 bags of cement to the good people of Nungua for the construction of their community center. The donation was received by the chief of Nungua (right) 

Popularly Known as Jomoro Yaa...

Her good works speak for her. Nzema Yaa Asantewaa as she is often referred to is an icon of development. This was proven by the Ahobre No.1 chief and his elders when they enstooled her as the ‘Nkosuo Hemaa’ (Queen of Development) of their land. The PC since then has been playing her...

Jomoro Yaa Asantewaa Donates...

The Action Woman has never failed to deliver on a promise. Once again, she quickly came to the aid of the good people of Nawule when she was called upon to help in the provision of potable water. This submersible pump makes potable water more accessible to its intended...

Dorcas Affo-Toffey...

In 2019, Madam Dorcas Affo-Toffey distributed bags of suger and kettles to all muslims in Jomoro during at the end of Ramadan.

NDC Parliamentary Candidate...

Owing to the stir the Novel Coronavirus has caused in the nation, the NDC Parliamentary Candidate (PC) for the Jomoro constituency, Madam Dorcas Affo-Toffey has distributed preventive items such as hand sanitizers (Produced by Kasapreko Co. Ltd and approved by the FDA), Veronica buckets now...

The NDC Parliamentary...

Under the auspices of the leaders of the Mbem community last year, contributions were made by the inhabitants towards the construction of classroom blocks to enhance quality education in the community. Upon being informed about the initiative, Madam Dorcas Affo-Toffey who is popularly known as...

Dorcas Affo-Toffey Meets with...

The Parliamentary Candidate for the National Democratic Congress’ wing of the Jomoro Constituency visited the Branch Executives of the various communities found in the constituency. This took place last year and was purposely for reinforcing the unity that has existed among members of the...

Dorcas Affo-Toffey Partakes...

According to Sir Francis Bacon (1605), Cleanliness of the body was ever deemed to proceed from a due reverence to God. Today, with reference to John Wesley, this assertion has been simplified as ‘cleanliness is next to Godliness.’ Living an exemplary life in that respect, Madam Dorcas...

Dorcas Affo-Toffey Donates...

Being previewed to the manner and conditions within which patients are rushed to the hospital regarding emergency cases, DAT presented the Half-Assini Government Hospital with a brand new ambulance. This was an initiative aimed at enhancing healthcare delivery in the...

Madam Dorcas Donates Sports...

Hon. Dorcas Affo-Toffey's love for sports is overwhelming. She strives to see the improvement of sporting activities in Jomoro. She has laid down plans to that effect as she believes in its employability.  She therefore hastened to donate jersys, footballs etc to the schools within the...

Jomoro Yaa Asantewaa Donates...

Hon. DAT went to Apata Ase to distribute PPEs to safeguard the lives of the residents of the community. She was pleaded with by the Apata Ase school teachers to help complete the construction of their quarters.  Jomoro Anyelazo simply meant business when she promised them help. Indeed...

Dorcas Affo-Toffey Donates...

As part of the fight against Coronavirus in Jomoro, madam Dorcas Affo-Toffey donated gloves, nose masks, veronica buckets (Dorcas buckets and hand sanitizers to officials at Jaway Wharf border. 

Dorcas Affo-Toffey Donates...

Dozens of football jerseys and footballs were distributed by the Action Woman, Madam Dorcas Affo-Toffey.